
The Empty Place and Her Citizens

Almost three years have elapsed since my last post on this digital wall. This outpost. Not much has happened here since then. No new comments. Just a few flickers of wayward browsers in the dark. This is an archaeological site. Something doomed. Everything will drown out everything else. The pile will increase.

Most bloggers, I imagine, relate tenuously to today's super-excess of immediate information; it is competition. The blogosphere is a place of "perfect competition." Most lose. This whole place is littered with this most. Digital debris. All orbits deserve our debris.

This post is not meant to end things for "phenobarbital9000." It might, but it is not meant as a send-off. It feels somewhat like an overture. How many overtures does one get? An entire career of overtures...

So, to you hitchhikers, and internet cryptozoologists, and archivists, insomniacs, accidental tourists, and to you torrents, streams, bits, I bid hello or farewell. Come again. Nothing lasts, except the landfill.

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